The series of events in which there is an explosion that displeases the audience, so they show their displeasure with the sound of a "boo".
"Hey, how did you like that TNT showcase last night?"
Something extraordinary is just "extra ordinary". It's something that is very normal, that isn't amazing.
"Wow, that bucket is extraordinary"
The holiday we all pronounce wrong, because really, it's called "Jesus Christ Mass". But we pronounce it, "Chris Miss". Are you sure you miss Chris? He was a jerk.
But really, it's the time of year where we captivate trees for our own pleasure, hanging useless objects on it with metal hooks and strings. We receive all the things we don't deserve, and act like we're happy, when really you want to scream because Santa didn't give you what you wanted.
"I really Christmas"
"That doesn't make sense"