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Icelandic nigger

a phenom where icelandic kids turn to ghetto niggers

ayo was good ma Icelandic nigger

ite my bad icelandic nigger

by super magic mike November 13, 2018

21👍 1👎


Swish is known as the sound when a basketball hits nothing but net. if you realy listen when you shoot nothing but net you can hear a light swish.

,,oh man that was a nice swish bro"
the old man shot the ball and it whent swish.

by super magic mike January 25, 2019

10👍 5👎

Thanos pee

Thanos pee is also kown as lean, sizzurp and purple juce. it is sipped by many known rappers like lil baby and lil wayne.

ay yo man u been sippin in some thanos pee .

by super magic mike January 21, 2019

puff puff

puff puff is another word for marijuana, blunt and a joint. it wery gangster and can be used by every one

ay u ben smokin dat puff puff
yo cuzz can u pass the puff puff

by super magic mike January 25, 2019

15👍 2👎