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Lexington High School

a public high school in Lexington, MA. often referred to as the "Harvard of the Public Schools" because of its vigourous academics, consistency in turning out graduates who go to ivy league schools, and the fact that a lot of the students are children of professors at the Boston-area colleges (i.e Harvard.) Walking down the halls is like a northface catelog, with a few scattered pot smokers and GSA members with dyed hair. There is also a very large Asian population, a large portion of which sit in commons 2, the second cafeteria that all the super smart/instrument playing kids sit in. Everyone is secretly jealous of them because of their mad skills. Ocapella kids are pretty popular the soccer team is way more glorified than the football team, which as seen as kind of a joke. to be fair to the members of the team, the football field doesn't even have lights. Most kids dont get enough sleep, and every teacher thinks they are the only teacher the kids have, and therefore give a shitton of homework. It is a good place to go to school if you are an insomniac who loves homework and hasn't seen Friday night lights.

person 1: Do you think we should invite Dave to the patriots game?
person 2: nah. he goes to Lexington High school, so he doesn't know what football is, and will probably bring his physics flash cards and try to quiz us inbetween plays.
person 1: good call

by superkewlaznguy November 20, 2011

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