A clever secondary word used to take the place of brah or bro. The "j" in brajh can be silent or pronounce, the word is fucking sweet either way.
Brah: Not much bro. Just getting my d wet like fucking Atlantis. I'm also high as shit on acid.
Bro: Brajh, you're the fucking man.
Brah: Brb, gettin my nut off. Back in a few.
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When a bro or brajh goes out to chill with his buds and polish off brewskies at
a party and later that night goes missing. In many circumstances, said bro is
just balls to the walls drunk and fell asleep in a uhaul truck that's going to New Mexico in the morning. In few situations, however, a bro picks
to move to where the party's at without previously notifying his brahs. Said bro
usually turns up a few days later with eyes that are red as shit from: a) no
sleep for 72 hours and/or b) smoking bowls and doin keg stands.
Bro 1: Sup brahs.
Bros 2-15: BRO you went brogue on friday, where have you been theres no one to smoke
all this extra chronic shiiitt can you do it?
Bro 1: If i smoke anymore of dat nutty canibus I'll fucking overdose and die.
Bros 2-15: You'll die?
Bro 1: 100 percent definitely.
Bros 2-15: Soooo...... is that a no.....?
Bro 1: What? No I'll smoke it.
Bros 2-15: Cool beans.
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