Portmanteau of flabby and muscular. A flabscular individual is one who has lost a significant amount of weight and put on muscle mass without undergoing skin removal surgery; the result is large flaps of loose skin marring an otherwise impressive physique.
The man prided himself on being able to overcome obesity and live an active, healthy lifestyle, but rarely showed off his muscles because of his flabscular physique.
excessive use of invented slang terms, usually sexual and intended to shock or offend, which exist almost exclusively on urbandictionary.com
I wish these kids would stop talking about alabama hot pockets and angry dragons. They're just overusing urban diction in an effort to sound funny.
A wild free-for-all to eat all the leftover pizza in the fridge before anyone else can
I was stuffed after eating those five slices of leftover pizza, but it was worth it to win the Pizza Royale.
Unnatural, hollow-sounding, overly crisp audio used a lot in video advertisements.
Half of the reason why I can't stand Youtube ads is because of the frequent use of lettuce audio. I don't like feeling like my ears are biting into a head of Romaine.