n. Affliction causing an individual to appear reasonably attractive in their facebook thumbnail image, but downright hideous when the same image is viewed full size. Abbr. E.R.D.
Her thumbnail looked really good so I friended her. Turns out she has a really bad case of Expansive Repulsive Disorder.
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adj. Descriptive term for a book, article or spoken phrase that, while brilliant, is so ridiculously technical as to appear non-nonsensical to the general populace.
Norman totally lost me when he was describing how to fix the server. Smart guy, but he tends to get
a bit technicalidocious.
15π 1π
adj. Almost un-fathomable in scope and size. Normally reserved for an object or objects that are large enough so as to be described as planetary in size. Larger than gi-normous by a factor of ten.
I hadn't seen her in 15 years. Her face looks good, but her ass is just gi-fucking-normous!
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1. Crazy. Exhibiting bizarre behavior.
2. Making merit-less arguments or defending ridiculous positions.
* Note: center pronoun is easily substituted.
R: When Stephanie & I get married, we've decided that our relationship will be based on equality of influence and mutual respect.
S: . . . are you off your meds?! Your opinion will mean nothing, you will be utterly powerless. Get used to it.
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adj. State of cleanliness attained by a dish or glass after it has been pre-washed. The item is practically clean, with just enough dirt left behind to justify it's placement in the dishwasher.
Listen, don't put these dishes away, they're only Neoclean. I'll be right back to load them in the dishwasher.
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adj. Descriptive term for a woman so attractive that you would have no hesitation whatsoever crossing a bridge and paying a toll to go see her.
I met her last night at a party and I'm going to her house tomorrow. I hate going to Long Island, but this chick is EZPass hot.
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Act of creating a fictitious romantic relationship with someone you desire who is already attached, patently disinterested, or otherwise unattainable.
Kelly is already with Anthony so whatever story Joey tells you is all just romance-turbation.
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