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Texas Academy of Math and Science is a program based in Denton, Tx that is comprised of 300+ social retards living in the same building. The program allows for nerds from around Texas to replace two years of high school with college courses. The world of TAMS is a ridiculous misinterpretation of the racial diversity in Texas, over 60% of TAMS is asian. As if this is not enough to separate TAMS from the real world,the program is also crawling with homosexuals, much more than to be considered normal, an eighth of class is openly gay. It seems that the college work-load has become too much strain for some, as the black population at TAMS has been confused to belive they are white, while the indian population seems to look in the mirror and see a brutha staring back. The program is complete with restring and unnecessary rules such as : curfew, visitation hours for the opposition sex, quiet hours to faciliate studying, PDA restrictions (not that it matters with the degree of ugly at TAMS), and other such bullshit...

Hey man what you up to?

I have just graduated from TAMS in which i threw what could have been the two most fun years of my life away to gain a couple more hours of college credit. Now to embark back into the real world which is a complete polar opposite to the ridiculous world i was shielded in during my tenure at TAMS! But at least i will be a millionaire, not that it matters since i don't know what fun is .

next example:

hey man, did you get some play last night?

yeah man! i got some tams pussy!

TAMS pussy? why didn't you just save yourself the trouble and stick your dick in a meat grinder!

by tams effin ter August 4, 2006

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