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detroit rock city

a wicked, wicked movie, starring the band KISS

that movie 'detroit rock city' was funny and had great music

by tan October 28, 2003

147👍 22👎


maths is really boring

we have maths with baldwino today, oh no

by tan October 29, 2003

70👍 91👎


Dreamy male Japanese singer with deep operatic voice, often with wild vibrato. Former singer of "Pride of Mind" and "Malice Mizer", Klaha has chosen to pursue a solo career and has released his first album Nostal Lab and a single titled Marchen.

Idiot: Klaha tries to be like Gackt hyuk-hyuk

by tan October 4, 2004

128👍 22👎


First of 3 lead singers of Malice Mizer. WILD voice.

tetsu's voice is an acquired taste

by tan October 4, 2004

29👍 10👎

Lenny Kravitz

Lenny Kravitz is awesome, his best songs are: fly away, american woman, and cab driver

Lenny Kravitz is cool

by tan October 28, 2003

76👍 57👎

deep purple

An awesome band, greatest songs are: smoke on the water, black night, strange kind of woman

Deep Purple are way cool, man

by tan October 28, 2003

37👍 15👎