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The word Emo doesnt mean Emotional because if it did then Everybody could be labeled emo for the fact everyone has emotions. It originated from 'Emotive Hardcore'.
Not all emo's are depressed and cut themselves.
Alot of emo's are happy and proud of their quirky free dress sense.
They tend to get alot of stick from chavs who really have no place to talk
They support there favourite bands by wearing their merchandise.
Emos get slated alot and its unfair because they are just people living their life how they like it.
Alot of Emo's listen to My Chemical Romance so they then get mistaken as an emo band when they are actually Rock.
Much respect to the Emos.. \m/

Some comments Emos face:

Go slit your wrists you fucking emo.
Go back to your corner and cry.
What do you look like?
I feel sorry for your mother..

Well dont feel sorry for their mothers becasue the majority of Emo's are very intelligent and actually try to make something out of their lives.

by tara^_^ April 8, 2007

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