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Taylor Swift

A twenty five years old (country)pop singer with a magical voice , has ocean blue eyes, golden blond hair and legs longer than your future.Is twenty FIVE and a legal adult, but is mentally on a higher level. Is busy&obsessed with winning awards and will win any award she can get her hands on, no matter if she's nominated or just casual sitting in the ordinance.HER relationships and break ups are her private thing but sure she feels something after or in a relationship like...every human and her way to process all this things is to write deep lyrically meaningful songs about love, life and most of all her FEELINGS. The media and some people who don't get her songs like mean,shake it off or blank space are often talking sh*t about her. She's currently at the beginning of her 1989 world tour what means that's 2015 and people should know that she can do whatever she wants to do...OH AND SHE IS THE NICEST CELEBRITY IN THE WORLD bc her strong connection with her fans.
Currently dating with first name: NOT surname: YOUR BUSINESS

Girl: "I'm smart, hot and wrote speak now by myself...who am I?


by taylorsleftleg May 4, 2015

18👍 18👎