Though hated within the West for his controversial acts, most recently in Ukraine, Putin would be the leader to build a nation of great poverty to a world superpower once more. Despite Russia's current stagnation, The days of the fallout of the USSR, under Boris Yeltsin, was significantly worse. Putin would fix, and destablize the economy all in one go.
Vladimir Putin was a man who saw himself become a hero, and lived long enough to see himself, a villain.
George W. Bush, a president after his time, would lead the US into a war of retaliation against the Middle East. His policies, though not good in our time, was good in his. Bush led the US in a strong and fiery manner, and brought America back into the light of glory, after its brief light of shame and sadness on 9/11.
George W. Bush and his father, H. W. Bush, would prove influential figures in America's involvement within the world, most specifically, the Middle East.
Saddam Hussein is a controversial Iraqi dictator who committed several war crimes during his reign. However, Hussein's fall would result in the destabilization of the Middle East, causing the rise of ISIS, the Taliban, and Al Queda. Hussein as well as others were a symbol of middle eastern nationalism, and temporarily unified the Iraqi and Arab Peoples. Hussein's failed attempt to merge with Egypt shows his national pride for Arabia and Iraq.
Despite Saddam Hussein's war crimes, Hussein would still bring good merit to the Middle East, by temporarily uniting it.
Egypt, Israel, Palestine, Jordan, Lebanon, Arabia, Oman, Yemen, Quatar, UAE, Kuwait, Iraq, Syria, Iran, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Turkiye
Change My Mind North Africaners and Central Asians!
The Middle East is in the Middle of the East.