Source Code


to be so much more awsome that only one word can discribe, awsomer

i am much more awsomer than you

by tex February 24, 2005

14πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


Main Entry: ph0nage
Pronunciation: 'fOn-age
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): ph0·naged;
Etymology: Greek phOnAge

1: the leader of team |FC| <teamfc.net>
2: to reduce drastically especially in number of opposing members in CS <ph0nage decimated the t's>

dude, we were playing some cs last night and ph0nage owned the squirrels on reflex

by tex March 25, 2004

4πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

excuses are like asses

Indicates the prevelance or abundance of a thing. Adds a negative connotation to what every you are comparing to assholes. Usually used as "blanks" are like asshole, everyone's got one.

Mustangs are like assholes, every one has one.

by tex May 24, 2004

gong show

the term gong show is widely used in the hockey locker rooms across canada. it has become the nickname of many out-of-control young men. while mainly used by hockey players, the common person may use it in everyday conversation. to be a gong show, one must be able to pull the chute, as well as be crazy, stupid, loud, obnoxious, annoying, out of control, confused, a frequent streaker, terribly unlucky, inept, a drunk, a lazy ass, or any combination of all of these

spence is a definite gongshow. tonight, at dinner before the game, he choked on a piece of chicken, coughed it up into his nasal cavity, blew it out his nose, and ate it again. in the game he got in a fight, broke a guys leg, and scored a goal. afterward, he put on his pink sunglasses and hopped in the shower with the team, then ran naked through the rink giggling like a little girl.

by tex July 25, 2004

345πŸ‘ 166πŸ‘Ž

pap shmear

a gynocological device; or a diss

a bunch got stolen from a hospital in Pittsburgh, so that is reason for a diss.

dude 1: (farts on dude's back)
dude 2: dude y you being such a pap shmear?

by tex February 23, 2005

22πŸ‘ 45πŸ‘Ž

waffle headed

To be shot in the head by the predator's spear gun. Refering to the way the aiming dots look on the targets head.

Fuck man, the Predator jumped outa the trees and waffle headed that motherfucker! What you talking about? It ain't lookin like no god damned waffle. STFU That's what they all say, before they die.

by tex April 9, 2003

1πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

Off The Road

Far More Intense Than "Off The Hook" Or "Off The Chain"

Person 1..You see that hottie at the bar?
Person 2..yeah, shes bangin
Person 3..man, shes "Off The Road"

by tex October 29, 2003

7πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž