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A bill that everyone hates for no particular reason. Its a bill to stop piracy and regulate sites like Google so its actions don't inadvertently support intellectual theft in much the same way that the government regulates the steel industry so it doesn't produce shitty buildings that collapse everywhere. Google does not like this much like the steel industry did not like Unions, so they got the mob to not like it either by blacking out their masthead. Seems simple, but it worked.

John: When Seal Team Six shot pirates everyone loved them. SOPA kills modern piracy and everyone hates it. I guess there is still room to be a pirate in the world after all.

Joe: Dude, that bill made wikipedia block out and since I get all my information from there I have no idea what SOPA is, but it must be bad if everyone doesn't like it so much.

John: You just saw the censored thing on Pornhub and can't stand the idea that your porn site might go away.

Joe: Shut up!

by that guy 33 January 18, 2012

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