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wet lettuce

someone with a dead personality . talking to this person is like talking to a brick wall however the wall would probably be more interesting <3

“how did your date go with *name*”
“it went alright , he was a bit of a wet lettuce tho , the convo was drier than my dads holiday flip flops ”

by thatdictionaryhoe August 13, 2021

13👍 3👎

Ghandi’s flip flop

a phrase to describe the driest thing you can think of , commonly used to describe one’s mouth after a lengthened period of dehydration

“mate i don’t know about you but my mouths drier than Ghandi’s flip flop”

by thatdictionaryhoe August 13, 2021


a fat neek

“KSI’s a fat neek”

by thatdictionaryhoe August 13, 2021

fat neek


“ksi’s a fat neek”

by thatdictionaryhoe August 13, 2021