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dude, what the fuck

phrase used when this current moment in life is completely nonsensical, and thus, you can't unerstand the mere idea of the whole ordeal. may replace the flat what.

person 1: and so, I shaved her belly with a knife, just like she asked me to. oh what a lovely night that was

person 2: dude, what the fuck

by the 0 event October 4, 2022

bete noire

pink demonic child with extreme xenophobia towards monsters. it was made when someone killed a child and used her own soul to make a killing machine with the dead kid's body. it's powerful enough to survive a literal laser hot enough to punch a hole through a building.
it's name means black beast in french

man, bete noire has some bat-shit powerful abilities, why does she get so many power-ups?

by the 0 event February 9, 2022


1: multicollored or with a lot of colour.
2: how to exterinate a pink demon in seconds.

the pollycromatism is the most powerful kind of monster magic. it can copy soul traits at a 1:100 representation. it's powerful enough to destroy two bravery souls at once, but using that much power will crack the user's soul.

by the 0 event January 13, 2021

dying inside

mental trauma that on the surface looks like it numbs the reaction to strong imaginery/events, but in reality is a constant struggle that the mind has adapted and kept on the inside. if strong enough, it might lead to a breakdown. special cases might lead to suicide

person 1: yo have you heard about person 3? he's been missing for 3 days straight, did they catch a cold

person 2: ever since his parents divorced, he's been struggling with toxic parenting projecting their hate for one another into person 3. yesterday I found his pale corpse in an alley. now I know what he meant a year ago when he said he was dying inside

person 1: oh my god

by the 0 event October 4, 2022