Source Code

COVID Stand-off

When two or more people are at an impasse in their travels, unable to pass each other while maintaining the proper social distancing practice as required by COVID-19.

Sorry I’m late. Someone was entering as I tried to leave and we got stuck in a COVID Stand-off.

by the AV Flu April 12, 2020

Labatt Blue Flu

Another term for hangover that references a popular Canadian Beer called Labatt's Blue.

Dave: Looks like Joe called in sick today?
James: Another case of the Labatt Blue Flu?
Dave: Seems that way.

by the AV Flu January 3, 2025


Make Out Punch Out
Applied to a person that you find attractive but very annoying. You would like to make out with them but also punch them out at the same time.

Me: Hey what do you think of Pat?

Them: Total mopo.
Me: Yeah, very hot but I can't stand Pat.

by the AV Flu November 13, 2019


A condition applied to people who have a habit of calling in sick on Mondays.

Alex: Is Mark in today?
Ryan: No, he called in sick.
Alex: Hmm. Another bad case of Mondarrhea?
Ryan: Seems like it.

by the AV Flu February 17, 2021


A condition applied to people who have a habit of calling in sick on Fridays.

Ryan: Is Joe in today?
Alex: No, he called in sick.
Ryan: Hmm. Another case of Fridaymyalgia?
Alex: Seems so.

by the AV Flu August 12, 2021