Source Code


A radio station with just a little Left-wing bias, Not as bad as Air America. NPR does have some Republican-like bias such as support and sympathy for Israel. However, NPR is more of a entertainment station than a news and information. The only news shows on NPR are NPR news and BBC World News.

If you want really Liberal Opinions on the radio, listen to Air America, if you want Conservative Opinions on the radio, listen to Michael Savage or Matt Drudge. NPR is mostly just entertainment and Moderate-Left opinion.

by the Harmeister July 30, 2006

404πŸ‘ 323πŸ‘Ž


The underrated Mario Bros who twice his older brother's ass; first in "Mario is Missing", then in "Luigi's Mansion" and maybe a few more times in the animated series in the late 80s and early 90s. Luigi can jump higher, he can perform critical hits with his upper cuts and shoots out green straight-shooting fire balls (as witnessed in Super Smash bros games). However, Luigi is not as fast, as physically strong (when it comes to lifting and carrying things) and he does not have a good sense of balance as Mario, (making him harder to control) as witnessed in SMB 2.

Luigi is usually the unsung hero of almost any Mario game

by the Harmeister January 20, 2009

16πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

Republic of China

Taiwan and China's real name. The Republic of China. is currently being destroyed by Communist bandits and bleeding heart DPPers.

the CCP of the mainland and the DPP (AKA: Pan-Green) of Taiwan are not legitimate governments. The Republic of China is the true China. Chen Shui-Bian and Hu Jintao must go!

China + Taiwan = Republic of China

by the Harmeister July 31, 2006

208πŸ‘ 99πŸ‘Ž

Yu Yu Hakusho

A great show that once brought enlightenment and renaissance to Cartoon Network before the assgiblets who lead the network decided to take it off and replace with shitty shows like Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends, reruns of Grim and Evil (which used to be alright until they got rid of Evil Con Carne and made it into Billy and Mandy) and Naruto...

Unlike Naruto, YYH's characters are completely unique from each other, each with his/her own back story and shortcomings. The anime even has a cool introduction where Yusuke starts off as this average Joe trouble-student who's life is changed after his life was taken away trying to a kid from a bunch of negligent drivers.

I'm getting tired of all the Billy and Mandy whoring on Cartoon Network, when are they going to show Yu Yu Hakusho...oh wait, they took it off because little wuss children wanted Naaaaruto.....

by the Harmeister December 14, 2007

99πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž


The protagonist of Avatar: The Last Airbender. He disguises himself as a Buddhist monk to hide his communist/maoist inclinations. He is racist against Fire Nation people except for self-loathing Fire Nation traitors like Iroh and Zuko. Aang is a terrorist who constantly attacks Fire Nation soldiers for doing their jobs and trying to bring peace to the Avatar World.

It is a well known fact that if you want to be an avatar, you have to a registered member of the Earth, Water, Fire, Kyoshi communist parties. Aang was allowed to be an avatar because he's a communist

by the Harmeister April 9, 2008

168πŸ‘ 578πŸ‘Ž


Extrememly liberal democrats who believe the world should run on peace and love, when really in reality eternal peace and love is impossible due to human nature. They are very, very anti-military. They support gays but those idiots discredit veterens, heck they even probably even think Servicemen should be kicked on the streets to starve. Those retards believe government to forcefully enter homes to confiscate weapons (Guns, Knives) from the citizenry. Also, those condomcrats believe that we should replace military buildings with federally funded whorehouses and gay clubs.

They believe that peace and love with everyone, even hostile nations that will always hate us and be a threat to us is more important than American Nationalism and Solidarity.

Famous Condomcrats- Hillary Clinton, Jesse Jackson, Ted Kennedy.

by the Harmeister June 8, 2005

23πŸ‘ 38πŸ‘Ž


A once good TV channel that once aired hilarious shows like the older Rugrats, Kenan and Kel, Angry Beavers, Rocko's Modern Life, Ren and Stimpy, the original All That (with Kenan and Kel, and there were hilarious skits like Good Burger, Ear boy Kenan's Super Dude and Coach Kreeton) the original Doug (instead of new and dried out version made for Disney).

Now Nick's glory days on over with. The new Nickelodeon shows of Late-90's was the cataclysm for Nick's downfall when they aired half-assed, dried shows. After Half-assed shows like the Wild Thornberries, New All-That and Rocket Power were aired things just got regressivly worse for Nickelodeon, Nick tried to fight back from it's incompetence with a hilarious show like Invader Zim, but then Nick endured more shelling when Zim was cancelled.

If you think the Wild Thornberries and Rocket Power were bad, those shows are nothing compared to the complete crapapalooza they show nowadays. It is highly doubtful that Nickelodeon can recover...We should restore dignity to the once good TV network by mothballing it. It's much better than to see it living like it is now.

by the Harmeister November 19, 2006

81πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž