A proud and glorious nation in the Avatar: The Last Airbender series. The Fire Nation only tries to help other nations of the Avatar world move into the future but Water Tribesmen along with their mentally retarded minds cannot understand the benefits of Fire Nation hegemony which is why water tribesmen need to be killed off.
The Fire Nation is always constantly under attacked by idiotic Water benders, internal communists like Iroh and Ursa, Maoist "Freedom Fighters", and avatars like Aang who could care less about "the balance" and only wish to spoon feed their Marxist agendas to people in the avatar world.
If you don't like Fire Lord Ozai and you are against the Fire Nation, you are a communist pinko.
121π 67π
Kagome is a stupid bimboish schoolslut, judging by Her name and how it's spelled, She would be better off a Jimmy Dean sausage biscuit high on Afghan opium.
Although I like Jimmy dean's sausage biscuit, I wouldn't wanna eat Kagome, If Kagome appears in your box of Jimmy Dean's instead of just throwing her away, torture her in the microwave or chop her up with a kitchen knife or peirce her head with a fork or toothpick.
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An Instant classic since the first day I played it when I first rented it at blockbuster back in 5th grade. But I gotta admit, I was kinda disapointed with the the 2nd installment, Paper Mario 2: The Thousand year door for the GCN.
Good ol' cheap Paper Mario is much more better than all that expensive and bland, fancy lookin Final Fantasy shit.
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A special group of Koopa troopas from Paper Mario, Theres Red koopa, Black Koopa, Green Koopa and Yellow Koopa. For some reason the Koopa brothers' theme music reminds me of my cousin Bryan.
When I was playing Paper Mario, When I reach that one room in the Koopa bro's fortress where you see the Yellow koopa building up that platform thingy the backround music reminds me of my Cousin Bryan and Christopher.
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Another monsterious series that was crapped out from the asses of Sqaure-enix (and SqaureSoft for the earlier FF games). Possibly WORSE than Final Fantasy, the reason why: ITS FINAL FANTASY...WITH DISNEY CHARACTERS! Whats next "Kingdom Spades": Final Fantasy meets Cartoon Network, "Kingdom Clovers": Final Fantasy meets Nickelodeon, or "Kingdom Diamonds": Final Fantasy meets Warner Bros. I sure don't want those things to be crapped out the asses of Sqaure.
If Kingdom Hearts and evil Square have thier way and if Kingdom Spades, Kingdom Clovers, and Kingdom Diamond are made, then we are probably going to have to kiss good, wholesome, tasteful, quality gaming goodbye.
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Despite what some people may say, Fallout 3 is NOT a reskin of Oblivion. It was made by the same company and uses the same engine but Fallout 3 is much different.
It is different in that the gameplay is much different, it is a shooter mixed with an RPG. The setting is much different; Fallout 3 has a bleak science and political fiction setting while Oblivion has a Roman-era/medieval fantasy setting.
The gameplay of Fallout 3 is also more challenging, the AI is surprisingly smart and the good guy/bad guy or karma system is far more sophisticated.
And unlike in Oblivion, Fallout uses the V.A.T.S targeting system, which aids you in gun fights and unarmed and melee weapon CQCs.
People who say Fallout 3 is a reskinned version of Elder Scrolls Oblivion fail to realize that they just so happen to be made by the same developing company and use the same graphic engine.
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A kind of Dance move, well I would call it a dance move, I say its moreso Stupidly flailing and crashing into objects and people to high tempoed music. Popular at a Azn pride party or concert full of Asian Hunnies in skin tight leather shorts and shaking their nice booties.
The fine Asian chick most pitted between a bunch of white boys and I was one of the white boys.
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