a awsome Kirby game made for the NES in 1993 (the late years for the NES), it was the first Kirby game where Kirby could copy his enemy's powers and abilities and use them for his advantage. It has SNES graphics despite being on the NES.
In Kirby's adventure, Kirby could copy abilities of his enemies such as the ability to breath fire and ice wind, use a sword or a hammer or even turn into a ball or a UFO, ext
22๐ 5๐
A Pilot school-simulation game released for the Super Nintendo back in 1991. You would go through a series of tests, like flying a plane around and then landing successfully, you would also fly around on jet-packs, hang gliders and even sky dive onto targets.
Pilot Wings 64 (1997) would be a much large improvement over the original 1991 version. On the N-64 version, you could fly around freely in large 3D island places and crash into stuff and hear your character scream like a bitch while he/she crashes. =D
I have Pilot wings for both the SNES and N-64. The first one was fun, but the N-64 version is much better!
8๐ 3๐
Like Super Mario bros 3, Death Wish 3 was the best in it's series.
In Death Wish 3, Paul Kersey takes to the mean streets in the worst parts of crime infested 1980s New York where average citizens or "gentle people" are prohibited by law to own firearms. Gentle people live under a repressive kleptocracy under the Creep gang and it's psychopathic and blood thirsty leader, Manny Fraker. Gentle people are subject to pay tribute to the gang for "protection" from their violence. However, it all changes when Kersey is arrested by NYPD after inspecting his slain friend's apartment. He is then sent out onto the streets by Lieutenant Shriker to secretly work as a vigilante under the eyes of his precinct of the NYPD.
After Kersey returns to the neighborhood, he is greeted by his Chaley's (Kersey's friend who died in the beginning of the film) war buddy, a Puerto Rican man and his wife, an elderly Jewish couple, store owners and a lawyer who becomes Kersey's temporary fiance and teams up with them to thin out the herd of creeps.
Fraker had a death wish in Death Wish 3, and his wish was fulfilled
15๐ 5๐
The sequel to C&C: Tiberian Sun, it supposedly takes place in the year 2042 where nearly all of the world is infected with Tiberium and the world is divided into 3 zones, the blue zone, which covers about 20 or 30% of the world where the GDI are and the Western world remains and in the blue zone there is very few tiberium infections and tiberium hasn't plagued the blue zones...yet. Blue zones are located in the cold climates of the Earth where tiberium doesn't grow well. Yellow Zones make up the majority of the world, Yellow zones have moderate tiberium contamination and there are still unfortunate people who live in the yellow zones as well as Nod forces. Red Zones make up about 20% of the Earth and contains very dense Tiberium contamination and has been rendered almost completely uninhabitable to humans, humans who live in the red zones will most likely mutate into shiners (tiberium mutants who make up a faction called "The Forgotten") Also, there is talk of a 3rd faction in C&C 3 (Just as you had Ordos in Dune, Yuri in Red Alert and the GLA in Generals) I hope there is going to be a third faction, but there is a debate going on on what the third faction will be (The Forgotten, the Scrin or some new race, it's most likely going to be the Scrin aliens) It is said that C&C 3 will be released in 2007
Command & Conquer 3 better be as good and impacting or better than C&C: Tiberian sun, because we had to wait 8 damn years for the sequel!!!!!!!
36๐ 4๐
A terrorist group led by Osama Bin Laden devoted to destroying the west, killing innocent lives of the "infidels" and making Islam and Muslims look bad.
Don't blame the majority of Muslims who only want to live peaceful lives, blame Al Qaeda and the Islamic Fundamentalists instead
328๐ 165๐
A Kick ass Contra game for the NES. Contra Force story has extremely little if anything to do with the Contra serie's story because Contra force was actually not a Contra game, It only had the name Contra in it because Konami wanted to make Contra Force sellable and Contra Force has many of Contra's gameplay style (along with a two player side-scrolling shooter option which the series is well known for). In Contra Force, you have the choice to be 4 characters: Smith, Burns, Iron and Beans. Plus, the characters are interchangable, so whenever you have only 1 life on Burns, you can always switch to Smith so you don't have to start all the way over from the beginning of the level.
Anyone would know that Contra Force had nothing or very little to do with the contra series as Contra Force's story took place in 1992 (Post-Cold war era just only a little more than 10 years ago) against human terroist-like enemies while the rest of the Contra games took place in 2300's (the far-future) against aliens who want to conquer earth. However it is still a great classic game!
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