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sucker punched in the back of the head so hard you shit a pebble (turd ) in your pants

I was( kentaried) so hard I shit a nugget in my pants

by the Randyman January 16, 2010

4๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž


meaning sexual fustration, not getting enough sex, (bule balls) hard up, is a mista -meaner: do to the more SEX you miss the meaner you get

LinZ:dam women Ive got blue balls

women: well you aint gettin any until your treat me better
LinZ: dont you now sex is a mistermeaner,I can't change until you give me some
woman: what do you mean ? MISTA-MEANER
LinZ: dont't you know the more SEX you MISS the MEANER you get

by the Randyman January 19, 2010

3๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

coachella valley

a valley less than a 100 miles from Mexico in so. califorina with the towns of Indio, Coachella, Mecca, Oasis, Arabia, were english is not spoken just espan yo yo (spanish) even in the stores the signs are in spanish ,it 99 1\2% mexican that hate white people and pretend there your best friend ,drink beer in there church parking lot during mass and the tweekers ride stolen bikes and hide there stash in the handall bars, they drive nice new trucks and live 4 to 5 familys in one house also known as little TJ and the one that drive cars bump the boom boom so loud your windows of your house rattle two blocks away and fly the Mexican flag so they think there in Mexico oh yes it has the highest birth rate in the nation

man I got stuck in the coachella valley I thought I was in Mexico, nobody spoke english and dirty pampers in the parking lots and the cops are more interested in pulling over the tweeker bike rider instead of the idiots that dont know how to drive
Juan: turn right at this light

rosa: Im in the left lane
Juan: its ok were mexican
Rosa: I hear Armondo bumpin the tunes
Juan: man his car is a piece of shit

Rosa:ya but he's got some nice wheels

by the Randyman January 16, 2010

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