Buttons and other decorative accessories added to a work uniform, esp. at chain restaurants. Almost universally despised by restaurant workers and customers alike.
You know the Nazis had pieces of flair they made the Jews wear.
330👍 129👎
Nickname for President Richard M. Nixon. Earned for his perceived role in the Watergate scandal.
Tricky Dick had a dog named Checkers.
85👍 78👎
Adj. with -ed: drunk; intoxicated; wasted; blitzed
Man, you were so plowed last night!
12👍 69👎
"Year 2000 Bug"
1) A software bug caused by the use of 2-digit numbers to represent the 20th century year. When the date became 2000, some software thought it was actually 1900 (or some other incorrect date).
2) A bunch of bullcrap made up by paranoid doom-saying wackos and the computer-ignorant media.
1) I have to fix the Y2K bug in this old Cobol program.
2) When the Y2K bug hits, planes are going to be dropping out of the sky!
54👍 28👎
Term meaning one who is celibate for a period of time. More specifically, one who refrains from masturbation. From an episode of the television show "Seinfeld", where the main characters have a contest to see who can refrain the longest.
"I'm dating a totally hot chick!"
"But are you still master of your domain?"
"Nope, they were playing a Baywatch marathon all day yesterday."
315👍 52👎