an unusual piece of improvised marijuana paraphernalia, much like smoking out of an apple, created by hollowing out a buckeye with holes for mouthpiece, bowl and carb. in some variations found at some northern California community colleges, a few drops of high proof alcohol are dropped onto the bud, to facilitate the uptake of psychotropic turpines from the flesh of the buckeye, granting the smoker a different, more pleasurable high.
stoner #1 dude I dont have a piece.
stoner #2 no worries *picks up a fallen, large treen nut*
stoner #1 wtf is that?
stoner #2 a buckeye! indians used them to stupify fish, owing to the presence of psychetropic substances in them. *produces an unnecessarily large knife and begins hollowing out the bowl.
stoner #1 you sure this will work?
stoner #2 its called a buckeye pipe. It'll do a boogie woogie on your brain!
weekly tradition originating at a certain community college in northern California. tradition revolves around taking MDMA first thing in the morning before class. On monday, obviously. see Thirsty Thursday
stoner #1 hey I heard Jeff's just scored some sass- lets celebrate Molly Monday.
stoner #2 sure, as long as you buy the booze for Thirsty Thursday
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one of the lower rings of hell. A community college or university campus that prohibits smoking or tobacco use. studends are forced to use tremendous ingenuity to find places and methods of smoking to avoid capture by authorities.
Smoker #1 *flicks bic*
smoker #2 dude no...
Smoker #1 why not? your smoking...?
Smoker #2 yeah, but I glued my cigarette to the inside of my coffee thermos so it will look like Im just drinking really really hot coffee.
Smoker #1 genius!
smoker #2 fuck this smoke free campus
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