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a girl who doesn’t know how to keep her nose out of things when she need to, who doesn’t want drama but always starts her own drama of by butting into other people’s confersations yet she hates when people do it to her ... a girl who doesn’t understand she’s making mistakes and even if she gets told she’s being an nasty person to people, she tries to correct people because that’s all she does and say she doesn’t do that stuff and then she will continue doing it ... but also can be a nice girl and expects everyone to be nice to her even tho she does things that will possibly ruin a friendship and then she will ask for attention saying they started it and then want sympathy and then when someone else asks for attention or wants sympathy she will hate on them even tho she does the exact same thing!!

make friends with a peyton but be careful she’s not the best person to trust

by the correct 1!! September 8, 2018