the south is a place for comfort, a place where everyone gets along. yea, we're pretty racist, but we're racist together. the south has a mutual understanding towards everyone within it. down here we have sweet tea, buttered grits and southern slang. we understand each other more, and so what if we sleep with our cousins? we're all related some where along the line. a majority of us are religious, but there are those who aren't. yea, we argue amongst ourselves, and yea we tend to want to be the opposite of the north. but the rebels love each other and never want to give up. we say y'all and laugh our hearts out. we put the craziest members of our families on the front porch and invite everyone else over for tea. we tolerate each other and our kids know how to go barefoot. we hunt deer, quail, turkey and the like and always know how to clean it. we may not be in big cities, but country air is a heck of a lot better than the smog in a big city. down here, everyone's heart is always blessed, everyone drink some kind of liquor and aren't ashamed of it. down here, we know how to work in the hot sun and we know what it's like to not have enough. the south has had it hard in the past and it is having it even worse nowadays. no one will ever stop making the south the south because we all love each other more than anyone in the world. yea, we have our arguments, but all of us in georgia, alabama, mississippi, louisiana and texas, we love no one more than our friends and families.
the south is just hospitality
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