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A "SEPERATE" POLITICAL PARTY. ONE THAT DESPISES ALL KINDS OF GOVERNMENT. WE DON'T GO AND BLOW SHIT UP, WE MAY BREAK THINGS, BUT WE'RE NOT TERROSISTS SO TO SAY. WE BELIEVE THAT U CAN RUN YOUR OWN GOD-GIVEN LIFE. that u we shouldn't have rules that certain ppl r truly focused on. it's bullshit america's goin back to communism the anarchist shall thrive on this pulse tho we want equality for all even those that hate us... is that so wrong?

dumbass: omg look uncle sam chosed me to go fight for America^^ i'm so happy
anarchist: u dumbass... u may die, do you know that? going to war for some sutpid ass shit... while the pigs that selectively chose u relax, eat, and drink the good life. i wish u good luck.... my freind

by the dark prodigy January 2, 2008

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