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A deadbeat is a person over the age of 18 with no direction, no job, no ambition. taking a shower daily is a huge accomplishment! A deadbeat doesn't want to work, yet still try and convince young gulliable girls that he does. He will spend their money, and make them work while they play video games. They make other's feel sorry for their deadbeat asses because they talk a good story. Deadbeats do not pay their own way. They sponge off their families, their friends, and any other person dumb enough to give them money. They are a lethal cancer to everyone near them.

You know who you are...you deadbeat!!!

You stay home and play video games, deadbeat!
You eat Taco Bell for dinner..deadbeat!
You drink Dr. Peper ....deadbeat!
You have no gas( that goes in a car)..deadbeat!
You have no job( thus, why you are a deadbeat).
You have no education( thus, why you have no job)
You have no life!

by the deadbeats girlfiends mom.. December 22, 2009

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