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booty worship

The religious system involving the devotion to the great and awesome female gluteus maximus.

Now gentlemen and lesbians. Let us all stand for our daily booty worship

by the funny one February 18, 2016

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Saudi Arabia

A nation that somehow manage to hold on to all the worst aspects of the last and embrace all the worst aspects of modernity without much if the good of either. They are stuck in the past in the sense that human rights are pretty much non -existent, with women forced to cover up, homosexuality and witchcraft being punishable by death, and they support regimes such as the Taliban amoung other things. The part of modernity they seem to have embraced is the damn ugly scenery, tearing down their historic architecture and replacing it with ugly strip malls and tacky Las Vegas style biggest in the world type of stuff.

Saudi Arabia is rich from stumbling apon the world's greatest oil feilds, but they are really just simple and closed minded, uneducated, lacking all style, shallow, and extreme.

by the funny one September 16, 2018

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bush knife

A simple large and wide knife commonly used in combat in Subsaharan Africa mostly and Papua New Guinea and a few other Melonesian nations. It is called a bush knife because most of the places it is used are covered in some degree of jungle.

The bush knife has become a very disturbing symbol after being used often in sone of the worst conflicts of the modern era

by the funny one October 22, 2018

anal reward

After she's done with her squat regiment, she may get a dick in her ass as a reward

Jenna finished her hundredth squat. She squatted down again and pulled down her yoga pants shaking her booty in anticipation of what came next. When I lay on my back under her, she aggressively pushed out her butthole and sat down on her anal reward

by the funny one February 25, 2022


Literally meaning decline and decay it is usually used to refer to the decay of a society. However decadence is a very subjective term and is usually used by square control freaks who only like the simple and wholesome and believe that anything edgy or creative will lead to chaos.

Snobby complainer: words are starting to be used differently and couples are having anal sex which is wrong even though is is safe and usually consensual. And Mexicans are coming in and threatening to destroy our trafitional values whatever that means.Oh the decadence. Soon our civilization will decay into anarchy.

by the funny one August 3, 2017

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oh my god my butt hole

When a girl thinks a guy is so hot she realizes she'd probably even let him in her butt

Friend: what was your first impression of Isaiah
Friend 2: honestly, oh my god my butt hole
Isaiah: Damn. Really? I fucked that one up

by the funny one April 4, 2020

nose job

Pretty much like a blow job, except using the nostril instead of the mouth.

Doctor: what the hell happened
girl: I gave my boyfriend a nose job

by the funny one February 13, 2015

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