Source Code


Silky A. Smooth is a Swedish engineer best known for his influence on the battle.net protocols, cryptography, and quantum computing. He currently holds a professorship in the department of computer science at Lund University.

In 1995, Silky single handedly designed the "b.net" protocol for D1. He later added support for SC in 1997, and an expirmental chat interface in early 1998. With the chat gateway he also released GreetBot, a simple C++ project aimed at teaching programmers how to write clients for the new gateway.

Silky-Smooth currently frequents the battle.net forums, specifically under the World of Warcraft sections. It is rumored that he is designing a new network protocol to be used in WOW.

I didn't know how molecular magnet-based quantum computing worked until Silky Smooth explained it to me...

by the hizzle fizzle ma-nizzle July 20, 2004

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