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fake mansonite: enybody who lables themselves goth just to be cool and is in the delusion that marilyn manson is, in eny way, goth. they generally tend to go really overbourd with merchandice and slip into other bands like slipknot or korn (or in some cases do somthing really gay like become a fake mansinite/poser emo kid, whitch i just laugh at). dont be a faker. also beleaes all the gay tottaly fake rumors set by the medea.

Pure mansonite: they know what he is really about. they kow who he really is. they arnt trying to be just like him in every way. they know to laugh at the idiosy of opposers, yet know not to impose theyor own beleafes apon them. thare are few of these, unfortenetly the majoraty is fake mansonits. don't fuck with them (a full and total discription of a true mansonite would be much to langthy to post here, you need to figure out it all for yourself)

worm mansonite: some people have the knolage to become a mansonite-but not the power. some have the intent of becoming somthing powerful-yet dont have the freedome. others dont know whats stoping them from changing theyor style. if they are a worm, chances they know the right way be a mansonite. they just dont look like one. sometimes they never change- but sometimes they shock the world. go from a worm to a world-destroyor, a shit eater to a shit kicker. these are what monsnsters are made of. many of these exist in total secrosy.

faker: hay, everybody, look at me! im worchiping a guy who ciciaty hates because people like me not only beliv ethat whole "rmoved ribs" rumor (among others), i help let it grow.

REAL mansonite: *laughes at the hatered and unexeptence, gives a look like that givin to a terrably traned dog that just brought a dead crow in to be liked* "bring it on"(quietly) *walks away with headphones on, leaving faker and the majoraty of the soceal pyramid tottaly in the dark*

worm: *blends in with everybody else, but with his headphones on and when asked to what he is listining to, replyes* "led zeppilen" (a good bnad none the less) *as ot to give the mansonite a bad name, and not to appear a faker*

by the irony is worms dont grow wings-thats catterpillers March 22, 2005

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