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1. Spanish word for fat.

2. Spanish slang for the Jackpot.

2. ¡Pégale al gordo! - Hit the jackpot,

- Used in lottery advertisements.

by the left-handed hombre. January 8, 2005

70👍 62👎

butt huggers

very tight jeans and pants which cling to the derrier. Can be very uncomfortable and painful to the genitals. Word is usually directed towards guys, mainly by urban kids who believe that baggy pants are the bomb.

What's with the butt huggers? you look like a pansy with those two-size too small jeans squeezing your ass.

by the left-handed hombre. January 5, 2005

15👍 11👎


Spanish word describing an overweight person. Can be offensive at times.

Literally the spanish word for big-belly or potbelly. From the word panza which means, of course, a belly.

Ay, panzón, stop eating all the chimichangas pendejo, are you ever gonna get full or what?

by the left-handed hombre. January 5, 2005

108👍 12👎


Conjoined spanish slang of affection. Mi + hijo, "my son." Can be said to any man or boy, usually by an older person. Can also mean "my dear" "sweetie" or "hun."

Also directed to guys by thier wives, girlfriends, or any female freind and peer.

What's going on mijo? ¿Estás bien?

by the left-handed hombre. January 5, 2005

966👍 306👎