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An amazing girl. Smiles all the time whether she is happy or not. Laughs alot. Usually very pretty. Is worth waiting for, fighting for, and most of the time some men dont deserve her. She is very friendly but can be quiet and shy around peole she doesnt know. A very trusworthy person. Keeps her promises and doesnt reveal your secrets. An awesome friend. Loves to party and have fun. Prefers being called beautiful rather than hot or sexy. Loves to cuddle. Would rather you tell her the truth than to lie or keep things from her. Prefers to hear the truth no matter how much it hurts. No matter how hurts she is she always manages to force out a smile. Has a great personality. Very smart but can act like a total air head sometimes. The cutest person ever. She is a wonderful person. Γ’Β™Β₯

man jennifer is a great person

by the litest person evaa December 11, 2017

47πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


An amazing girl. Smiles all the time whether she is happy or not. Laughs alot. Usually very pretty. Is worth waiting for, fighting for, and most of the time some men dont deserve her. She is very friendly but can be quiet and shy around peole she doesnt know. A very trusworthy person. Keeps her promises and doesnt reveal your secrets. An awesome friend. Loves to party and have fun. Prefers being called beautiful rather than hot or sexy. Loves to cuddle. Would rather you tell her the truth than to lie or keep things from her. Prefers to hear the truth no matter how much it hurts. No matter how hurts she is she always manages to force out a smile. Has a great personality. Very smart but can act like a total air head sometimes. The cutest person ever. She is a wonderful person. Γ’Β™Β₯

man jennifer is a great person

by the litest person evaa December 11, 2017

6πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


to be nice and do something for a person when they are in need

thanks for the help i dont know what i would have done with out that help

by the litest person evaa December 11, 2017

16πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


something you take when you are not fully healty it medcates or cures what needs to get medacated it should not be used in any other way

you need to talke this amount of pills

by the litest person evaa December 22, 2017

2πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


a piece of paper that is worthless because everything in life does not take that piece of crap

you do not need money

by the litest person evaa December 10, 2017


meh is something you say to someone and you just dont care

did you here about nicole "meh"

by the litest person evaa December 11, 2017

1πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


a half dead thing that is mistaken for a canabel it is a living creature that eats it surrodings

Oh no wauch out for that walker

that zombie is going to eat you

by the litest person evaa December 11, 2017