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Edward Fleshands

A game in which all of the participants take a ‘horny pill’. Porn is then played on a large TV and they must each have a fleshlight taped to their hand. The last one to start jerking off wins.

Hey Bagwell fancy a game of edward fleshands?

yeah sure pretty, lemme get the horny goat weed real quick

by the nigmaster general October 4, 2020


All of the lads sleeping in a tent. home made alc is involved usually some ‘ol’tentie ale’ which is essentially prison alcohol mixed with flavourings. Monster pisses and sat talking round the rusty wheel are included in the activities programme.

yo dog you coming to the tentie tonight?

yeah g bringing some monsters in da bag

by the nigmaster general October 4, 2020

orange as a white girls knuckles

when thots use the fake tan and it gets all in their knuckles. synonymous with 16-20 year old instagram thots from the UK

yo shit dawg that hair is orange as a white girls knuckles

by the nigmaster general September 30, 2020

piss cubes

yep! They’re ice cubes of piss. add a salty surprise to a drink of your choosing!

yo jonny get me some piss cubes you little bitch

by the nigmaster general October 4, 2020