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stupid little rich kids who think they have it bad cause their parents wont buy them a xbox or some shit like hat.
they also complain about shit like their little girlfriends left them or they got rejected. Most emos are bisexuals bcause they are too scared to be teased about being a poofters but it would be an emo sin to straight.

i have studied emos for about 2 weeks and this is my results.
thank you for reading and knowing the truth..

emo1# hey wanna go get some chicks
emo2# no way i wanna go listen to shit music in my room
emo3# holy fucking shit i got blood on my sisters pants that i borrowed off her my dad is gonna spank me!!
emo4# i don't wanna cut my self... my dad will kill me if he finds out ive been playing with sharp objcts

by the punk of millthorpe July 18, 2009

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