An otherwise decent state with one big pimple called New York City. NYC is filthy (yes, STILL) and smells like trash. All NYC will do is take your money until you're smart enough to move to Upstate (where, now that electing Democrats is growing up there, will still take your money) or somewhere else in the US. Upstate is beautiful--mountains, the Finger Lakes, Niagara Falls, etc. New York is an okay place to visit, but I'd never, ever want to live there for an instant. Everyone who says it's so awesome a.) Can't spell (seriously, have you read these posts? What the hell are those public schools DOING?!) and b.) Can't base their "best-ness" on anything except mild cultural achievements that will be forgotten in 100 years.
And btw, whoever said there was a city in Upstate akin to Houston obviously doesn't know anything about Houston, the fourth-largest city in the nation...whereas the next largest city in New York is Buffalo at number 69...below Anchorage, AK.
And on the whole, New York City is the loudest place I've ever been and it produces the loudest people I've ever met.
If you want to go to New York, you'd be much better off spending your time in a decent place like Rochester, or hiking in the State Park.
Me: This New York place isn't so bad as long as you stay Upstate. Snow? What the heck is this stuff? Why is every freeway a tollway? And why are the taxes so high to live here? State Income Tax?! What the crap?! God, I miss Texas.
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