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Kingston Cigar

(1.) noun: An exceptionally large joint. (2.) noun: a blunt. From Kingston, the capital of Jamaica.

(1.) Just before the party started, Baxter rolled one of his signature Kingston Cigars. (2.) Baxter used a Philly Blunt for his Kingston Cigar.

by the specter August 11, 2007


(1.) verb - When a smoking device is losing smoke through any of its various holes (carb, mouthpiece, etc), giving the illusion of a genie leaving his/her magic lamp. May be specifically applied to Jeannie from "I Dream Of Genie" as a pop culture reference, although the reference does not come from Jeannie originally. (2.) verb - When a pothead is has no stuff and is in serious need of a hit; applied because the needy pothead in question wishes smoke was drifting from his/her nose and mouth like smoke from a magic lamp.

1. "Hit that piece quick--it's lampin'."

2. "Tommy ran dry last night, and has been lampin' ever since."

by the specter August 5, 2007

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