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One who takes pictures of his young, homely family posing with firearms and posts said pictures on the internet.

A picture is worth a thousand words...

by the truth February 14, 2003

4πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž


1. In war, places where weapons/supplies are held. Also provide protection from enemy attacks.

2. Chemistry - Any substance with a pH greater than 7. Also considered any substance that can act as a proton receiver.

3. Objects in baseball that batters run to when they hit the ball.

1. America just invaded another Iraqi base.
2. KOh (Potassium Hydroxide) is a strong base.
3. Alex Rodriguez hit a home run but forgot to touch 3rd base.

by the truth May 11, 2004

68πŸ‘ 76πŸ‘Ž


A state where the multitudes in Chicago (and its collar) blame their woes on "Springfield" as if it weren't PRIMARILY elected officials and political players from Chicago (and its collar) making the decisions in Springfield.

Chicago Mayor Richard Daley wants to put additional pressure on Springfield to allow a casino in the city.

by the truth December 29, 2005

43πŸ‘ 55πŸ‘Ž

drunk pants

The pants you got really drunk in. Often times, you will wake up wearing them. Other times, you may find them on the floor or someplace random. Inside the pockets you may or may not find your keys, your wallet, your cell phone, wadded up dollar bills, and pieces of paper with other people's phone numbers.

Man, I found so many pairs of drunk pants in the hamper. It's like I made $15 doing laundry.

by the truth April 4, 2005

29πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

Spike Lee

Spike Lee is a Genius who showed white Hollywood and America, that black people could be portrayed as other than pimps, whores, drug-dealers and users. He showed us Black people can beautiful, intelligent, articulant and sexy. While not sugar coating reality.

by the truth October 26, 2003

1064πŸ‘ 1026πŸ‘Ž


A phrase used in detective stories to describe the one vital clue that causes the whole plot to fall in to place.


"I couldn't figure it out...until I saw the tube of toothpaste."

by the truth October 21, 2003

38πŸ‘ 42πŸ‘Ž


The term "wigga" is a combination of the word white and the racial slur "nigger." Which has evolved to "nigga" with the common reference from African-American to African-American. The word basically refers to Caucasian males who have a psychological mindset, which makes them think that they are African Americans. They typically dress in hip-hop clothing (2 to 3 times their size), which they refer to as "urban wear". These people are typically wealthy Caucasian males, which live in the suburbs and do not have any affiliation or any idea of what the ghetto is like.

White (Caucasian)+Nigga (Nigger)= WIGGA

Eminem is considered to some African Americans as a "wigga". Although some accept him because of his lyrical talent.

by the truth December 27, 2003

2691πŸ‘ 539πŸ‘Ž