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pee-pee head

A complete and utter fool. Laughable. Incomprehensible.

George Bush is a pee-pee head

by the vooch October 19, 2004

53👍 32👎

squaredancing with jerry bruckheimer

Licking someone else's anus. see also tossed salad

We drank too much. A couple of hours later. His pants were at his ankles and he was humming the theme song to the A Team. I was on my knees, square dancing with jerry bruckheimer.

by the vooch October 19, 2004

6👍 10👎

Charlie Bobo

A generic name for a layperson of the U.S. in the late capitalist era. An unquestioning follower of hegemony and imperialism. See also sheep, tool

Man. You're nothing but a Charlie Bobo. Now shut the hell up about how the Iraq war is spreading freedom across the world. This isn't the '70s and this isn't a rehash of the Domino Theory. Charlie. Bobo.

by the vooch October 19, 2004

7👍 18👎

the vooch

Beyond superior. What we all strive to be.

Man. I hope that one day I can be like the vooch.

Or, Dad, you got drunk again and missed my soccer game? Why can't you be more like the vooch.

Or, Oh, Reginald. I don't know what else to do. It's just so limp. I just ... I just wish it could get hard, I wish it could be as large as the vooch's.

by the vooch October 19, 2004

35👍 4👎

roger shitneck

A buffoon. An idiot. Typically this word is clausally laced with other profanities.

You roger shitneck motherfucker, quit shitting on the floor.

You're such a fucking roger shitneck. Now get our troops out of Iraq, (p)resident Bush.

by the vooch October 20, 2004

3👍 6👎


the coolest guy in the world (for the mentally challenged).

Hey Wagry. Wagry. Let's play some basketball. C'mon Wagry. Play basketball with me.

by the vooch October 19, 2004

2👍 7👎