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When a woman aborts a child inside her own body.

When a woman gets an abortion that does not make her a slut. Its not like she was having sex and was just like "oh well thats okay if i get pregnant ill just have an abortion" its not like there fucking free. And what if some one is raped? or the birth control or condom didnt work or broke? then what happens? And whos going to take care of the baby, most of the time when people get abortions its cause they cant support the child and it would die of an illness anyway. If abortion is made illegal then were all gonna have to pay more taxes to support the already over crowded orphaneges. I hope all u anti abortionist adopt a fuck load of kids.

A womans right to choose what she does with her own body, look theres and anti-abortionist, while there at it why they just take away our right to vote!

by the world is fucking stupid place. May 2, 2003

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