1. A once great social networking site. 2. A site ruled by hackers, spammers, and scammers. 3. A web site that grew too fast to give a **** about it's users.
My, Myspace account was hacked again today... That is the 5th time this week!
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An Ugly Debonair is a man who is not only visual ugly, but also mentally and emotionally ugly as well. These types of guys would be considered a -1 on a scale of 1 to 10 (10 Being The Best Catch). Even though these types of guys are extremely ugly; they still get the hottest of woman because they are confident and carefree. Which women tend to be very attracted to.
(Man 1) I just don't get it. John Doe is the type of ugly that normally dies at birth, but he keeps getting hot women! (Man 2) Yeah I know; he treats them like dirt and for some reason they like that. (Man 1) Why though? He is just a fake-ass Ugly Debonair!!!
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A Born-Again Christian is a person that through some sort of difficult time found Christianity. These Christian's tend to be far more fanatical in their beliefs. There is 2 categories for Born-Again's. 1. (Passive) These Christian's tend to be grounded in their beliefs. They tend to keep their own beliefs to themselves and except the faults of others. 2. (Pesters) These Christian's tend to have more conservative, and often times more ignorant views. They try and force their beliefs on everyone around them, regardless of those persons own beliefs. Pesters often times view the world through a very narrow mindset. Which includes the viewing of homosexual's as Sinned-Creations, meaning (Born with Sin) and feel that homosexuality is a choice not a biological fate. That anyone that doesn't choose Christianity as a religion, is wrong and therefore destin to face Hell upon their death. That Evolution is a myth, not a proven fact. That the Earth was created some 2000 years ago, instead of 4.5 Billion years ago. That Dinosaurs never existed. Pesters beliefs are based solely on the Bible. If the Bible does not explain it, then it is wrong. This has led to many groups like the KKK, who used the Bible to deem African Americans as less then whites. To the Witch-Hunts of the early 20th century. All the way up to today where Pesters use the Bible to justify acts of violence against abortion clinics and homosexuals. The most notable example of this kind of ignorance is the Crusades. A Christian war that waged for hundreds of years in the early, to late 1000's. Pesters and Passive Christian's do not hold the same type of interchangeable ideals; as passive Christian's do not hold the same fanatical views as Pesters, and therefore are not driven by the same kind of ignorance.
A Born-Again Pester came up to me at the store today and tried to convert me. When I told him I wasn't interested, he told me that if I continued to live my life as a Non-Christian, that my soul would be doomed to Hell. He then said he would pray for me. When I asked him how he would feel if I told him I was going to pray to Satan in his name, regardless if he wanted me to or not, he got mad. So I told him by him calling my beliefs wrong, and by telling me he would pray for me no matter what I said, that it was the same as me forcing my religion onto him. Beliefs or not, it's not his right to use my name in such a way. Then he just quietly walked away from me.
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Blog Photo Smearing is when one web site steals a photo from another and then ruins the photo by putting their web address all over the image. Since the Smearing web site never took the original photo, nor did they pay for it; they have no ownership rights over the photo. But by smearing the photo with their web address; they then make it seem like they were the first ones to post the image online. The biggest problem with smearing is that many people use these photos to make custom Wallpaper for Computers and Cell Phones. So when several different web sites steal the same photo and smear it, that photo is then made useless for Wallpaper. The second biggest problem with this is each web site resizes the photo to fit their own personal needs. This then causes quality issues, because each site is showing a different Scaled-Up or Scaled-Down version of the same photo. Even worse, some Celebrity bloggers like Perez Hilton steal photos and then smear them with completely unfunny and completely useless comments. Making Wallpaper creation impossible. Examples of this can be seen by visiting any of the Celebrity Image Blog web sites.
How the F**K can I make custom Wallpaper when every waste-of-space blogger keeps Blog Photo Smearing the same pictures?! Some of these stupid sites even smear their web address several times over the entire picture! It's not theirs to begin with; so tagging it as theirs doesn't actually make it belong to them!! And dumb ass Perez Hilton's stupid comments aren't even funny! He ruined a photo of Pamela Anderson by drawling a little guy saying "Help" between her boobs. Wow! Real creative!! I wish I could be that cleaver!! So there is one hundred sites; all sharing the same photo; but each tagging it as their own! F**KING pointless!! Thanks Jack Ass's!!!
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1. An athlete that can reach an orgasm during an intensive workout. 2. A Non-Sexual derived orgasm.
I hate being a Set-Cummer! It makes such a mess.
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Twizzlers lips are formed when a man or woman has either injections or plastic implants placed in their lips. Which ends up creating a very unnatural Twizzlers-like shape to their lips. The Twizzlers candy has a bumpy, odd shape to them; which is exactly what Lip Enhancements ((always)) end up making that persons lips look like.
I noticed Mila Kunis went with the Twizzlers lips look. That is like pouring SH*T all over the Mona lisa... Lip implants NEVER look real and ALWAYS look stupid! I miss the Hot Mila Kunis!
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A "Republican Kamikaze" is a person that thinks Humans have (ZERO) impact on the Earth, and that even if Humans did damage something; God would wave his magic hands and fix our mistakes. So people with this mindset have no limitations on doing things that may have a Negative impact on Everyone/Everything else (Over-Breeding, Over-Consuming, Over-Polluting, Wars, Segregation, Religious-Fanatics, Ect). The term "Kamikaze" is taken from the Kamikaze Japanese Fighter-Pilots that would purposely crash their plans into American/Allied Navel vessels during World War II. The Pilots would do this in the hopes that their actions would create massive Death & Destruction to enemy forces; even though the Pilots would also die in the process. The term "Republican" is used, because the core of Republican ideals is based on being Conservative (AKA Ignorant), and being Conservative literally means "Opposed To Change Or Innovation). This Ignorance combined with their warped Religious views; creates an attitude wherein a person doesn't see a potential (FUTURE) consequence, from their (CURRENT) shortsighted actions. But technically not all Republican's have this way of viewing the world;. So a Republican Kamikaze is more of a Stereotype term that can be applied to (ANYONE) with this way of thinking.
(MAN 1) My Wife And I Are Thinking About Having A Child. (MAN 2) Really? That's good. Is this your first child? (MAN 1) No, I have 10 kids already. (MAN 2) What? If You Already Have 10 Kids, Then Why Do You Want More? (MAN 1) Well, I Have Always Wanted 20 Kids. (MAN 2) Why Though? The World Doesn't Even Have Enough Resources For The Population That Already Exists Right Now. So Every Additional Child You Have Puts Your Other Children's futures in jeopardy. (MAN 1) Yeah Right! God Says In the Bible To Keep Creating More Humans; So He Will Always Take Care Of Us. (MAN 2) Dude; What If The Bible Is Wrong? The Universe Is Giant And We May Have Been Forgotten About A Lot Time Ago. We May Be The Kids Left Alone In The Candy Store; With No Parents To Come Rescue Us If We Eat Too Much Candy. (MAN 1) Your Crazy! Humans Don't Have That Much Of An Impact! And If We Need More Resources; We Can Just Take Them From Another County! (MAN 2) No, You Are The Crazy One! Your A Republican Kamikaze Who's Ignorant Views Could Cause Everything On Earth To Die! (MAN 1) Well I Have The Right To Do What I Want, And You Can't Stop Me! People Have Something Called "Rights"; As Long As They Aren't Gay, Female, Ethnic, Poor, Non-Religious Or Anything Else That Is different. (MAN 2) Were Doomed......
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