Source Code


Read the Fucking Description. Used in YouTube a lot when tools ask questions that are answered in the description.

"wuts the song at 0:25"
"rtfd, you lazy dipshit."

by theblumeanie May 5, 2009

45👍 14👎

Ice your nuts

Relax, stop worrying, stop nagging. Similar to 'take a chill pill' or Chill your nuts. Command is not gender specific.

"Dude, let's go! We're gonna be late!"
"Ice your nuts, man! It's all good."

by theblumeanie July 22, 2008

5👍 2👎

Think long and hard

A command to think sexual, or think along the lines of an innuendo.

"I haven't seen James or Beth this whole time! Where are they?"
"Think long and hard."

by theblumeanie July 22, 2008

16👍 9👎