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One True Pairing (OTP), your favorite combination of characters in a fandom. Usually used on fictional characters in books and anime.

KiriBaku is my OTP between Kirishima and Bakougo, they're so gay for each other.

Ron and Hermione are the perfect OTP in Harry Potter.

by theguythatmakesgayships October 13, 2018

1👍 3👎


The definition of an overrated character. 90% of the fandom kins him and adores him like he's some sort of God. He lies so much that you don't even know if what he said to Kaito as his last words was the truth or a lie. I cannot trust 90% of the community because of this. He is paired up mostly with Shuichi by the fandom and creates another definition for overrated, their ship which is named Oumasai. You cannot scroll 5 minutes through fanart of Shuichi without seeing at least one (1) Oumasai post. Every time the stans try to defend his course of action, my hate for Kokichi grows more and more. When they try and say that Oumasai isn't a toxic & one-sided ship, I like to smash my head on the walls. He is the sole reason for why I hate the Danganronpa community.

If a Kokichi stan says that Toko x Byakuya is a toxic ship because it's one-sided, but ships Oumasai, they need to be burned.

Person 1: Man, I just finished V3, it was a pretty good game.

Person 2: That's cool dude, who's your favourite character?

Person 1: It's Kokichi of course, he is so relatable and I think that he should've survive-

Person 2: We're not friends anymore.

by theguythatmakesgayships May 6, 2020

31👍 52👎