The stage after getting really hyper. It is now that you fell really tired dizzy and rather sick
"Shudn't have drank that last can of redbull, this hedopoloid is a bitch."
Desment is handsome man, cute and absolutely charming. A best man to stay with.
Damn, thatΓ’ΒΒs Desment looking dude!
to slap someone in the crotch wilst only hitting their japseye. Quite a skillfull feat and has to be done right otherwise it is just like getting hit in the balls. Performers of the move should be comended even by the victim.
"awwww did you see that jap slap mark got john with... it was sooo skilful musta hurt like a bitch."
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A bunch of wasters who are as much if not more to blame for the troubles in Northern Ireland as the IRA. They fought for next to no reason seeing as the legitamet British army were fighting the IRA anyway and target Catholic civilians using the IRA as an excuse. The only difference is that this group although being illeagal and terrorist in nature are favoured and given special treatment by the British.
the UDA were offered ΓΒ£2 million to disarm whereas the IRA were given nothing.
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