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Lord of the Rings is her religion. Her favorite flavor is vanilla and she always smells like it... except when she smells like a big stinky fart. Alysons fart a lot. But they make up for it by being pretty much the most fun girl around. They are also prone to fits of giggles and the occasional sweaty bum. Alysons are smart, but they don't rub that in your face, unless it comes to the Legend of Zelda, then they will make fun of anyone who cannot get past the Great Decu Tree. Just to be clear: Alysons may be nerds, but they are really hot nerds.

Oh man, that first date went really well! At first I wasn't sure because she looked waaay too hot for me, but then she farted and I knew she was the one. She's a total Alyson.

by thelittleprince86 December 6, 2011

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