an underrated, poorly drawn sputnik named Mio who wants you to come in.
Me: I'm a big fan of Weatherday
Mio: Dude based
American Football, sometimes stylized as americ anfootball, is an American indie-rock band formed in 1997 and signed to Polyvinyl Records. Originally consisting of Mike Kinsella, Steve Lamos, and Steve Holmes, the band garnered notoriety and praise for their self-titled debut album released in 1999, which would later become a cult classic among many music journalists and an essential album among 4chan's /mu/ board, and are regarded as icons in the Midwest emo genre. The band would later break up after the release of their first album, before reforming in 2014 with new member Nate Kinsella and have been active since.
In 1997, Mike Kinsella, then a university student who performed in bands such as Joan of Arc and Cap'n Jazz, formed the band The One Up Downstairs alongside Steve Lamos, Allen Johnson, and David Johnson. Though the band was originally supposed to put out a single on Polyvinyl Records, the record was shelved as the band broke up shortly before its release, though it would later be released years later. Kinsella and Lamos would later be joined by Steve Holmes, who was Kinsella's roommate at the time, forming the original lineup for the band. This would lead to the release of American Football's self-titled debut EP on Polyvinyl on October 6 1998 (shown below, left). The band would release their self-titled debut album (shown below, right) on September 14, 1999, with the band later breaking up that year due to living in different cities and the end of their courses.
That was a nice article of americ anfootball! Shoutout to Know Your Meme!
11👍 1👎
(㥠ââ¿â¿â )㥠funny little guy
(㥠ââ¿â¿â )ã¥(㥠ââ¿â¿â )ã¥(㥠ââ¿â¿â )ã¥(㥠ââ¿â¿â )ã¥(㥠ââ¿â¿â )ã¥(㥠ââ¿â¿â )ã¥(㥠ââ¿â¿â )ã¥
A genuine insult / the highest form of praise
It can either be an action of offensive and pointless stupidity; an individual who acts with offensive and pointless stupidity or an action of inoffensive and purposeful intelligence; an individual who acts with inoffensive and purposeful intelligence; a moment of inoffensive and purposeful intelligence.
A person farts in a crowded elevator and screams "It was I" and laughs maniacally. It smells really bad and people start to get sick. The person starts to play a TikTok compilation on full volume without using headphones. This person is a Youtube.
A person stands back in a crowded elevator to let others in. They ask you which floor you would like, and press the button for you. They invite you to view a genuinely funny meme they found on Tiktok with you using their audio splitter cable, and it makes you laugh and brightens up your day, gosh you really needed that. It can be tough working a 9 to 5 shift, and sometimes you just need the funny meme. Thank you kind stranger. This person is a Youtube
WATCH --> a youtube link was here before but urban dictionary didn't want me to put links in the definition :( <-- WATCH
it's a funny video on youtube, you should watch it right now or i will fucking kill you.
it was a rick roll
Please watch a video in the definition above!