A Social Media site developed by Conchus Christ himself for people residing in the Caribbean, as according to White Americans, have no access to internet.
"Did you see Tyler fighting on ConchBook?"
Noun: A Religion formed off of the belief that the Magic Conch came to save us all from eternity in Davey Jones' Locker. Led by The High Conch in following of Conchus Christ
Hello there, may I introduce you to Conchism?
A Mystical Conch formed in the depths of the Pacific Ocean to save the world from Conchageddon, and to spare souls from eternity in Davey Jones' Locker.
"Did you see that? Conchus Christ!"
Extremely rare name, only reserved for legends and war criminals though the groups sometimes overlap. Often a person that stands on the knowledge of thousands of years before them, using it for either construction or destruction. Likes choclate milk even though it doesnt agree with their stomach.
"What's that levitating thing over the fields? It hasn't moved in over half an hour..."
"Probably just ametri using the arcane again"