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Picture Packing

Picture packing is packing with images or any sort of photo to help the joke.

"Fred doesn't even have good jokes, he's known for picture packing and he lets the pictures get the laughs for him"

by thethizzkid December 23, 2020

54👍 1👎

Speed Packer

A speed packer is a packer who can say multiple jokes and words quickly in a short amount of time. Nonstop packing.

"I couldn't even get my joke in because he's a speed packer, I couldn't say my jokes as fast as he did!"

by thethizzkid December 13, 2020

76👍 2👎


Packing, also known as roasting, is a game where two or more people strangely roast each other in a voice call for entertainment with loud or low microphones. Points are given by judges or votes of the audience. The funniest jokes will determine how you're scored by the judges and the audience. Packing usually takes place on discord.

Key tips for winning a packing match
1. Last until the packing session is over
2. Pack until the other opponent leaves
3. Entertain the judges or the audience more than the opponent did (Funny Jokes)

Thizzkid: "Hey are you in that packing discord server named Thizz?"
Leg: "Yeah Marski and Jay just got done packing Wolfgang in an all-out packing session LMAOOO"

by thethizzkid December 14, 2020

187👍 21👎

Low Mic Packer

The original form of packing, regular packing with a low monotone type of voice, and a low microphone.

"Those people in that discord server tried to loud mic me but I'm a low mic packer."

by thethizzkid December 4, 2020

137👍 2👎

Loud Mic Packer

1. Regular packing with a loud tone of voice. 2. Loud gibberish, mumbling, static, or repetitive incomprehensible sounds, usually Loud Mic Packers use Fl studio to make their voice sound louder.

"I heard Justin the Low Mic Packer is becoming a Loud Mic Packer because its the new trend"

by thethizzkid December 8, 2020

129👍 3👎

Stamina Packing

Stamina packing is packing for as long as possible until you either give up or until the opponent gives up.

"Run my 8 hours in stamina packing I bet you won't last!"

by thethizzkid December 21, 2020

83👍 5👎