Mitski Miyawaki, or Mitski, is a Japanese-American indie pop singer who started her career in 2012 with Lush, and in 2013 was when she made "Retired From Sad, New Career in Business". She gradually became more known around "Puberty 2", her album made in 2016. But, it was up until her 2018 peak album "Be The Cowboy" was when she really started to climb the charts. As well as her 2022 album, Laurel Hell, her music was starting to get really known and most people did know her.
Mitski is an incredibly talented woman, and her music has helped me through so much. Her music is an emotional rollercoaster, but the fact that it makes you feel emotions and think about her lyrics a bit makes it a much more safe space. Her new album, "The Land Is Inhospitable and So Are We" is an example of it. I can't even just use one or two sentences, her music is so amazing. Love Mitski <3
John: "Hey, did you hear about that new Mitski album?"
David: "Yes I did! I love Mitski's music so much."