A euphemism for sex ed so parents don't get pissed and yell at the school board about how their baby boy/girl is clearly not ready for the topic even though they knew five years earlier
Parent: It's great to know they're teaching you kids how to deal with a family and making you like responsible adults unlike that pesky sex ed
Kid: Yup that's DEFINITELY what we're learning in Family Life Education
The Talk is a way for parents to cope with not letting their kids do anything for 12-14 years. They think they are the first ones to say this to their kid, but usually another parent, child, or possibly stranger has filled them in on it. Some parents leave it out alltogether because Family Life Education covers it.
Dad: Son... it's time for The Talk
Son: I wOndeR WHat tHIs is aBoUt
Dad: Well son... get ready...
That one word you say when you're pissed at your friends for beating you in Fortnite but your parents are standing right next to the TV
Bro stop one pumping me! You little as... BOOTYBUTT!!!