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Screw all other fucking definitions. This is the right one. Well for all of you know, poklen is a word used in Brunei. People think they're so cool and getting a lot of attention from others. Well think again, you're not cool and it is a disgrace for using such worthless, grammar error and uneducated words.

As I'm saying, most poklens now have invaded facebook and twitter. How to recognize poklens in facebook? Easy, they are using undesirable profile name such like "Doubleonezerosix" "Nineteenzerothree" "thedeathcore" "SiiSayankku" "Tigapuluhribuantahsampai'mana" "Aku Sii Manja", naming a group like "Crowzz'X, " and whatever shits like that so on and forth. And also, they always post their status such as "Like eh my dp gengz" "aku tau aku bida or it means I know i'm ugly" like seriouly kid? If it's ugly, why are you posting it?

Some words that are used in poklen conversations are;

Sayang - sayank
Tu - toh
So - cho
Haha - ahakz
Miss - mishhh
like - loike

And so on. If you're not a poklen, you may recognize them more.

p.s; "Wort" is not a poklen word. "Wort" is an Australian accent.

Human 1: "Hey do you know this guy/girl: insert name Sii'PunaiAyam from facebook?

Human 2: "Oh! That person, he's/she's such a poklen. He/She always type me with the Z's and X's at every end of the letter. Last night he/she texted me "Aku sayank ia tohzz. Ehekzz"

Human 1: "Ew. What a sore lozer. As if he's/she's speaking like russian people with saliva raining in the air, spitting on the face.

Human 2: "I know right, so disgusting. Gonna unfriend him/her. Catch you later!"

by thissoawesome November 23, 2011

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