Source Code


A Toronto suburb known as Brampton, noted for it's +60% population of middle eastern immigrants. This city is one of the reasons some American's refer to Canada as Canukistan.

"Look at all these convenience stores! Are we in Bramladesh?"

by thoughtstipated November 15, 2006

154πŸ‘ 109πŸ‘Ž


To define a large pile of unwashed laundry so smelly it might just start walking away, consuming small animals or children.

I think it's time to do my laundry before the laundrymonster eats my dog.

by thoughtstipated November 15, 2006

38πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

baby collector

A term used to describe a woman (or girl) who mothers children for the sole purpose of collecting a larger piece of welfare-system pie.

"Mel's pregnant again!? That's her 4th kid and she's only 23 years old! I don't think one of them kids got the same daddy."
"Yeah, she's a baby collector. I bet her pussy's like a wizard's sleeve!"

by thoughtstipated November 23, 2006

27πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž

pixel dick

An online STD, caught from engaging in cybersex with promiscuous partners.

I was cybering with SheCat last night, when I saw a real pic of her irl I caught pixel dick.

by thoughtstipated November 28, 2007

13πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž


Will be the name of Mexican neighborhoods in Alberta. Due to Alberta's vast resources and frigid winter conditions combined with nobody's interest to work or live in -40C temperatures, Alberta is working on importing 100s of Mexicans to work menial jobs as the white-man heads for the oil patch.

For the same reason Chinatown is called Chinatown, Mexiberta will be dubbed Mexiberta. Ole!

by thoughtstipated November 23, 2006

16πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž


Cyber world equivalent of poontang.

* Boltar has joined the room #xNAx.
* Star humps Boltar
<aml> Hey bolty!
* aml huggles boltar
* nyaa|afk humps boltar
* Audra purrrrs
* kat hugglehumpfluffs boltar
<earl> boltar gets more e-tang than anyone I know.

by thoughtstipated June 14, 2008

63πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

Mexican alarm clock

Can also mean: when a person removes their pants and underwear and climbs over a sleeping person so that their asshole is approximately 3 inches away from the sleeping person's face. The person performing the act punches the sleeping person in the stomach as hard as possible to wake them up. In theory, the sudden shock of being woken by the punch will cause the sleeper's head to come up and forward, thrusting their nose into the other's ass.

See also: brown-nose, Sanchez's wakeup call

We woke up John with a Mexican alarm clock this morning, he says he can't get the smell of shit out of his nose.

by thoughtstipated November 15, 2006

246πŸ‘ 67πŸ‘Ž